Dr. R. K. Purohit
Designation: Director
Qualification: Ph.D.;AIII
Dr. R.K.Purohit Joined School of insurance studies in October 2015 after taking Voluntary retirement from New India Assurance Company, the largest non-life insurance company in India.He gained 30 years of working experience in insurance industry, while serving in State of Rajasthan and Gujarat
Out of 30 years, for 25 years he worked as in charge of Branch/Division/Centralized Claim Hub of Region/ and Regional Office. His working exposure is as, AAO(Scale I), Branch Manager(Scale II) Senior Branch Manager and Divisional Manager(Scale III),Senior Divisional Manager(Scale IV) Regional Manager and Chief Regional Manager (Scale V) Dy.General Manager(Scale VI- DGM In-charge)
As Chief Regional Manager and Deputy General Manager, he handled one of the largest Regional office (Ahmedabad R.O) of New India Assurance Company with 30 Operating Units and more than 700 people .During his tenure as Regional Head ,his region underwritten highest non-life insurance premium as compared to other Public and Private Insurance Companies.
He has handled large corporate accounts dealing with Petrochemical, Cement, Textiles, Sanitary Wares, Packaging, Paper, Pharmaceutical,Shipping etc. list a few.
In industry he has handled Department like Human Resource Management, Right to Information (RTI), Estate and Establishment, Audit from controller and Auditor general of India etc. On Technical Side along with marketing and sales, he dealt with underwriting and claim s of Fire, Marine, Motor, Engineering, Health and other Miscellaneous class of business. He was associated with the training of the Marketing and other persons dealing with under writing and claims
In addition to his normal functions, he also worked as presenting officer and inquiry officers in inquiry against employees(in Junior Cadre).As senior executive of company, worked as disciplinary authority .
He is also havingteaching experience of Seven years in Insurance and non-insurance subjects